Thursday, July 7, 2011

How to Stop a Dog From Stealing Food Off of Your Counter Or Table

No one likes a thief! This even applies to your dog as well (at least for most population that is). It is probably fair to say that just about every dog that has even had an owner, has at one point tried to snatch some food off of the counter of table. This is pretty typical of dogs, and you can't undoubtedly hold it against them, since they are animals after all. However, there are ways to break this habit; in fact it is undoubtedly pretty simple, and it is perfectly human too.

But first thing is first; you need to learn how to read your dog. That is, you need to learn when your dog is just about to try and jump up on the table or counter. This may take a diminutive bit of convention and a bit of patience though. After your dog tries to go onto the counter enough times, you will start to learn what their facial expression looks like right before they do the dirty deed. For example, in most cases a dog's ears will be pointed upwards, and they will have a serious and focused look in their eyes, along with some fast paced tail wagging. These are the tell tale signs for most dogs when it comes to grabbing food off of your table.

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So you will undoubtedly need to learn what to look for. This is because of the fact that it is undoubtedly valuable to discipline your dog Before they do the naughty deed; the guess for this is because dogs are undoubtedly not capable of knowing what they did wrong After the fact; you simply Must catch them right in the act, or better yet, catch them before then even have a chance to do the act. This way the dog will know exactly what they were doing wrong. And on top of that, they will ultimately learn that you are likely to always catch them before they even have a chance to act badly, which will ultimately make them avoid the whole situation entirely, for fear of being caught.

The way that you will want to stop your dog from jumping up on the counter and stealing food is very simple; you just tell them to "stop" or say something like "don't even think about it". In fact, the words that you use undoubtedly don't matter all that much; it is the tone of your voice and the loudness of your voice that makes all of the dissimilarity in the world. So with that said, speak very sternly and talk loudly enough to undoubtedly get your dog's attention.

Once you catch your dog in (or before) the act, and you have stopped them by using a stern voice, you will then just have them go and lay down for a diminutive bit; this is their punishment. Also, it is a good idea to say something like "don't take food off of the counter" or "don't jump up on the counter". ultimately they will undoubtedly learn exactly what these words mean, and they will also learn not to get on the counters or table any more, for fear of being disciplined afterwards.

How to Stop a Dog From Stealing Food Off of Your Counter Or Table

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